What the Fat Burning Fingerprint Entails

April 23, 2018

For those who have not yet read Gary Watson’s book, Wake the Fork Up, or the fast-track guide, it’s important to start from the beginning. After you identify which fingerprint type you are, being either S-Fat, F-Fat, or M-Fat, you can then identify your ideal metabolic meal plan. When you find your favorite meals from your meal plan list, stick with them to achieve optimal results.
The complete guide first highlights the ways in which the food industry manipulates consumers’ minds. They are not concerned about malnutrition or consumer health — they simply want to make money. It’s important for consumers to understand the Bermuda Triangle of processed foods, identified as: sugar, trans fats, and estrogenic additives.
Watson does an excellent job of breaking down the myths and simplifying complex research. Before we suggest specific meal plans, he thoroughly explains the power of macronutrients, focusing on the importance of protein. Next, he helps readers determine their unique nutritional metabolic type.
After all, an effective weight loss plan isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. To better determine what your specific metabolic type is, Watson asks 25 critical questions. Based on your score, you will be assigned to either Carbo, Protein, or Mixed type. Once this important factor is identified, you can dive in to learn more.
S-Fat Carbo Type — These individuals have a very slow oxidative system, allowing them to handle carbohydrates more effectively than someone within the F-Protein-Type or the M-Mixed Type. In general, if this is you, you require macronutrients as a ratio of 60% carbs; 25% protein; and 15% fat. The key is consuming the right types of carbs, making the best possible decisions, as outlined in the guide.
F-Fat Protein Type — These individuals generally have a strong appetite, craving fatty, salty foods. If this is you, you’ll need a ratio closer to 40% protein, 30% fat, and 30% carbs. You also need to eat every 3-4 hours throughout the day, focusing on foods such as salmon, grass-fed beef, barley, lentils, and avocado.
M-Fat Mixed Type — Being a combination of S-Carbo and F-Protein types, if this is you, you’ll benefit from a ratio of 50% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 20% fat. You should focus on mostly low to moderate starch vegetables, like kale and squash.

After helping readers identify the right meal plan for them, samples are provided. The three-week reset helps increase both leptin and insulin sensitivity, enhancing your fat-burning abilities. When cooking, use only organic butter or organic coconut oil, rich in healthy fats. Sample menus are effectively laid out, making it easy for readers to follow.

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