This is why it is absolutely necessary to understand which are the things which should be done and what are the things which are totally prohibited once you have done a skin whitening treatment.
The first thing on the list is by far avoiding exposure to sun. No matter what type of skin whitening treatment you choose, the skin will be more sensitive to the solar rays and the prolonged exposure to sun can provoke sunburns or even further skin darkening. If you must go out of the house when the sun is up, choose a good sunscreen lotion and wear a hat on your head to prevent the sunrays to reach your skin.
After you have done a chemical peel it is essential that you do not pick at the skin, but rather leave it to fall all by itself, when you bath. Otherwise you risk scarring your skin or further darken it.
Some types of treatment require special steps of maintenance. These are usually written on the prescription (if you do the procedure at home) or will be detailed to you by the dermatologist (if you chose to do the procedure at a professional office). Respect them and do exactly what you are told if you want to have great results and avoid any type of side effects. If something goes wrong after you have done the treatment, it is recommended to see a dermatologist, no matter if you have undergone the treatment in a specialized office or have done it yourself at home.
Skin whitening treatments must make your skin more beautiful and radiant. This is why you have to carefully respect the indications and stay away from the things you are prohibited. Only this way will you be able to attain your goal of having a healthy and beautiful skin after the skin whitening treatment!