Lose Weight With No Excuse Body Makeover

May 09, 2018

Is It Time For YOUR Body Makeover?

I am losing my own personal little war with belly fat.

This has been going on for a while now, but like all the minor annoyances in my life, I try to remain optimistic that a solution will shortly be in hand.

It isn't working. I am starting to sense that something larger is going on here, and that I am not fully in control of my body any longer. Rather, it is in control of me and is dragging me in a direction I do not want to go.

Of course, I am hardly alone in this. Millions of people are losing their own little war with their body. It is an epidemic of the modern age. Perhaps it is THE epidemic, and people will look back on the 21st century with a smirk and say "What the heck were those people thinking? They willfully destroyed their bodies and cut 20 years off their life span. Couldn't they see what was happening to them?"

You'd be surprised, but I think it's safe to say that most people DON'T see what is happening to them until it is too late and some major health crisis sets in on the back of having been too fat for too long. Part of the problem is that people simply do not recognize the health risk of carrying around an extra 20 or 30 pounds of blubber on their midsection.

It is a BIG mistake, this ignorance, or short-sightedness. Being overweight has consequences that go way beyond loss of breath, lower back pain, and varicose veins in the legs. Excess fat, and particularly the stubborn fat carried in the midsection area, does more than sit there looking unsightly. It affects the proper functioning of your internal organs, and even sets them up for failure.

So if you are carrying around more weight on your midsection than you know now is good for you, what can you do about it? What is the BEST way to launch your own little battle to fight the war going on inside you between that unhealthy fat and your vital organs?

How about get yourself a body makeover? That is what Carolyn Hansen is suggesting. She has just set up her fat loss membership program that she calls
The No Excuses Body Makeover Program

Instead of giving you an ebook and letting you head off to do battle on your own, her goal is to provide you with an environment that helps you establish the correct mindset to win your war, and then she holds you accountable for your actions. If your battle strategies are doomed to failure, you'll discover it soon enough and she (and the other members in her membership program) will encourage you to come up with a plan that WILL work for you.

You'll get all the tools needed to formulate your approach to making over your body, and you will get the encouragement to put your plan into action.

So if you have decided this is a war that you HAVE to win, and it is time to say goodbye to that apple-shaped midsection that is causing you to cover all the mirrors in your home, be sure to check out Carolyn's No Excuses Body Makeover  program. She'll help you tool up, plan your makeover attack, and back you with the reinforcements you need to achieve your desired body weight goal.

By the way, you can also grab her popular report for FREE while you are there, on

 Is It Time For YOUR Body Makeover?


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