Primal Blueprint eating has been very popular since quite some time now. The strategy of this meal plan is simple- eat fish, eggs, meat, veggies, nuts, fruits and some high fat dairy. But it is not that simple as it may sound to be. You need to hunt for these things just like your ancestors and make meal plans, shopping list and recipe to get started with your Primal meals.
Primal diet basically lays stress on eating foods in natural state or maybe very close to the natural state. As when food was not there before the Industrial Revolution, it was considered to be off limits. Lentils, peanuts, soy, legumes, sugar, alcohol, refined vegetable oils, processed food are definitely excluded. Rather, this diet lays emphasis on eating lots of veggies, nuts, seeds, meats, fish, fruits, eggs, fermented and raw dairy products and healthy fats. The natural sweeteners like maple syrup or raw honey are allowed as well.
There are basically some principles of Primal Blueprint eating. They include:
Lean Body Mass is all crucial
It is important to remember the fact that lean mass muscle is directly linked with better and longevity of your health. Instead of striving to lose weight, it is better to lose just the fact and maintain muscles. Since some organs function at the level which correlates with muscle mass, so, more the muscle you maintain, more is the organ reserve.
80% body composition is determined by diet you eat
Exercise is as important as the diet but the best results are experienced by the way you eat. Exercise is crucial to speed up muscle building and fat burning. Eating healthy is actually the main watchword behind getting a healthy and fit body. So, you need to pay close attention to what you eat.
Excess of fat is bad
Exercise is as important as the diet but the best results are experienced by the way you eat. Exercise is crucial to speed up muscle building and fat burning. Eating healthy is actually the main watchword behind getting a healthy and fit body. So, you need to pay close attention to what you eat.
Excess of fat is bad
Many studies report that being overweight increases the risk of most diseases. Also, being fat doesn’t make you look good. So, it is better to eat healthy to look good and be fit. Eating properly ensures that excessive fat is eliminated from your life.
Excessive insulin is bad
You need to keep in mind that excess insulin is even worse than excessive sugar. All the animals produce some extent of insulin with within some species, the ones that produce less of insulin live for longer span of time than the ones who produce lots of insulin. So, it is important to eat in a way that your insulin level is kept low.
Rather than counting your calories, the primal eating habits ask you to pay attention to your portion sizes, eat quality food and focus on the natural things more. Say for example, elk, deer and venison are preferred over beef as these are the types that our ancestors would have hunted in their times. So, when choosing the meats, primal blueprint encourages the grass fed over conventional. Last but not least, organic veggies, fruits and eggs are more preferred as well. Thus, this is a kind of introduction to what primal eating is all about. Know more about this eating style to have a healthy and better life.