How I eat less 2018

July 30, 2018

So I've been having a bit of success eating less lately, which has in turn resulted in some weight loss. It's a start, but I thought I'd share the things that have worked for me. First, I wrote a list of the few really bad habits I have that I could change. I tried to stick to that list, then as the days went by I'd look back at the list and either reflect on why I failed or add new things. So, the list will never get shorter in other words, it's a 'new habits' list that I'm trying to keep for as much of the time as I can manage. It's nothing new but I'd like your ideas on how to eat less. Note: I"m a volume eater, so I will eat double servings of salad and stuff. I'm not trying to eat less of everything, just of most things with lots of calories:
  • go to bed earlier so no or not as much eating after dinner - this was massive for me. I don't overeat in the morning, I overeat at night, and this has basically knocked out that problem. I do wake up earlier now but I'm not tempted to eat.
  • have only one big meal per day and two light meals (for me: yoghurt for breakfast, fruit and salad or small portion of leftovers for lunch, meat and veggies for dinner)
  • limit snacks to fruit or vegetables plus a small handful of nuts - I love macadamia nuts, but they are too calorie-dense, a small portion is enough
  • at my big meal of the day, go for seconds on salad and vegetables but not on meat or heavier foods like potato
  • limit milky coffees to one per day, rest are black coffee with dash of milk only (my go-to coffee is a flat white, kind of a latte with lots of milk, I'm limiting these to one per day)
  • weigh myself daily or close to daily, more as a reminder that I'm on a mission to strip a bit of fat
The Secret Of The Slim: Losing Weight Effortlessly! => >>Here<<


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